Bus Service & Metro Cards
School bus and full-fare metro card eligibility guidelines for zoned students are as follows. Transportation eligibility is based on a student’s grade level, walking distance between home and school, and existing accommodations based on a medical condition, housing status, or safety assessment by DOE. Distance from school is determined by the DOE based on the home address on file.
NYC Public School Bus App:
Introducing the city’s New way to track your child’s bus rides
Click here to learn more about the App. Please note: you will need a NYCSA Account to enroll.
Yellow Bus Versus Metro Cards:
Students are assigned a Yellow School Bus if:
The student is in grades K-6
The student lives in the same district as the school (if attending a public school) or the same borough (if attending a non-public or charter school, or a citywide Gifted & Talented program)
The student's school has yellow bus service available for all eligible students
A bus stop within the student’s grade/distance eligibility exists or can be added to accommodate the student.
Note: Students using this type of transportation are assigned to a safe predetermined bus stop at an intersection. Students use the same stop both in the morning and the afternoon.
Eligible students who do not meet these criteria will receive a MetroCard.
Students are provided MetroCards if:
The student is in grades K-12
Yellow bus service is not available or if a new stop cannot be added for the student; in this case, a MetroCard can be issued upon request
MetroCards are distributed to all students in grades 7-12;
Note: MetroCards are distributed by a school's transportation coordinator, Mr. Greco.
Exceptions to Transportation Eligibility:
DOE Exception Eligibility (To be assessed and granted by DOE):
Medical Exception
Temporary Housing Exception
Includes shelters, domestic violence shelters, families living with others due to economic or financial hardship (doubled-up), and transitioning to permanent housing
Foster Care Exception
Joint Custody Exception
Victim of a Crime Exception
Order of Protection Exception
Hazard Exception
To apply for an exception, please speak with Mr. Greco.
Specialized Transportation:
Curb-to-school or specialized transportation is when a bus picks up a student from the curb nearest their home and drops them off at their school.
Only students who have transportation recommended on their Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 Accommodation Plan (504), or have an approved medical exception from the Office of Pupil Transportation, are eligible for curb-to-school transportation.
Questions about receiving specialized transportation should be directed to the IEP or 504 team at the student's school.
Changes to Transportation:
Temporary Changes:
Last minute changes to your child’s bus schedule do create confusion in the afternoon in the classroom.
If your child will not ride the bus every afternoon home, we ask that you please submit a regular bus schedule to your child’s classroom teacher.
If you child will not be riding the bus on a specific day, please email or submit a note to your child’s teacher and alert our school bussing coordinator.
Permanent Changes:
If you require permanent changes please contact school busing coordinator for next steps.